As part of my theological and spiritual formation, I am very lucky to know some excellent and kind professors, priests, theologians and other men and women who challenge my assumptions, force me to grow and never be satisfied with what I think I know, and inspire me to continue my quest for Sophia (wisdom). This journey has taken me several times to St. Gregory's Abbey; it is the home of a community of men living under the Rule of Saint Benedict within the Episcopal Church. The center of the monastery's life is the Abbey Church, where God is worshiped in the daily round of Eucharist, Divine Office, and private prayer.
One of these great men and women that continue to inspire me is the Abbot at St. Gregory's: Andrew Marr, OSB. In one of his latest posts (from his blog Imaginary Visions of True Peace) he writes about Halloween:
For many in North America, Halloween is a day for children to dress up, have fun, and get lots of candy from indulgent neighbors. Skeleton suits and witch’s makeup are all in fun. Not as fun is the background to Halloween that goes back to rites, such as the Celtic Samhain festival, designed to allay anxiety over blurring the distinction between the dead and the living and make sure the dead stay dead. This anxiety causes some people to try to suppress modern Halloween, although the people who sentenced witches to burning should be more horrifying than girls running about in black dresses with candy bags.
(Click here for the entire article)
(Click here for the entire article)